I miss my family
I’m tired of being hot
I’m tired of fixing my hair only to get in a cab with the windows down (because they don’t use the a/c)
I’m tired of struggling to communicate
I’m tired of taxi drivers who don’t have the right change
I don’t like that I can’t flush toilet paper because the septic system will clog (there’s a trashcan in the bathroom; I’ll let you piece it together from there)
I’m very tired of worrying about the future
I guess I was feeling a little bit homesick (a lot is more like it) and forgot for a minute that I’m choosing this adventure. It wasn’t cast upon me as a punishment. Of course, a good night of sleep helped as did the water aerobics class this morning. How can I possibly be unhappy when this is what I see during my class:
And as a side note, it was freaking cold this morning in the air and even more so in the water. Someone heard my complaint about being hot and decided to take pity on me. However, I froze my butt off for the first 10 minutes in the pool. After that though, it was wonderful.
There is a Spanish expression that I need to keep in mind…Toda va a salir bien – Everything will turn out all right. See, I am learning!
Just happened upon our blog, and your adventure sounds very interesting! I look forward to reading more!
We miss you, too but just think of all the stories you will be able to tell Reagan and Rhett when you get back.....and all the pitures. It may seem like hell now but when you come back and go to a regular job in an office, you will miss PARADISE!!!
Love you!!
Toda va a salir bien ... Good phrase. I'm practicing it right now. How's my pronunciation? ;-)
Glad that "someone" heard you and gave you a break in the heat. The Universe does provide. Just remember to ask Her for what you want, and expect only what you truly need. But then, I should take my own advice there....
I will be eager to visit you once you are back in the States, so I can sample some of the Tican cuisine that you are learning to make.
Did I tell you that my sister was Costa Rica about two weeks before you went down there? She was near Santa Teresa and loved it. Lots of great pix and some fun tales of her adventures.
Yes, it's beautiful and the scenery helps put things back in perspective. Time there will go quickly and you will come home and then miss Costa Rica! I totally enjoy your Blog!
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