Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Cost of Living

My aunt emailed me and asked about the cost of living. Depends of what it is...I ate at TGIFriday's last night and my fajitas and juice drink cost me $20. An order of mozerella sticks was $10 (we didn't get those!) But, if you eat at the "typical" Costa Rican food places, the prices are a little lower than what you'd pay in the States. Gas is much higher. It's by the liter but last I saw, the comprarable price by the gallon was over $5 for regular. The area where I live is one of the most Americanized and therefore most expensive places...which is good and bad. Conveniences of home, higher prices. Also depends on what you're buying in the stores. Diet Coke is almost $2 for a 2-liter...not that I care since I'm addicted!

1 comment:

Judd said...

Gas prices here are over $4 per gallon, so we're not that far behind the prices where you are. Now the TGI prices... ouch! Probably the locals way of telling you that while you are living in Costa Rica, you should be eating local fare and/or cooking. :) hehe

I can't believe you're drinking Diet Coke still. That stuff will kill you and give your great-grandkids cancer. You should stop immediately... and start drinking Coke Zero. ;-)

Glad to hear that you are having a good time and learning much. Hugs from Arkansas!

love ya,