I spent part of Saturday exploring San Jose with Julia Salibas. Those of you in Hattiesburg may know or know of her husband Brian Salibas. More on our adventures in San Jose in another post. The point of this post is to share more of the cow statues. Evidently, this is a world-wide art phenomenom, set up to raise money for charities. You can learn more at http://www.cowparade.com. I also learned that they weren't all in one place to begin with. They've been spread throughout the San Jose area since the exhibition started in March. I picked up a brochure that had pictures of 128 cows with their names, but several that I've seen here in Escazu were not in the brochure. So, there are probably 150 or more of these cows around town. Here are some of my favorites:
Cowfe Con Leche (Leche = Milk)

100% Leche de Vaca (100% Cow Milk)

Vaca Negra (Coke Float)

The Milk Machine

Vaca...tubo...tubo (Cow...pole...pole or The Stripper Cow)

This one isn't in the brochure so I don't know it's official name. I call it "Ronald McDonald Cow" because it's right outside a McDonald's near one of the town plazas.

Here are pictures of some of the others we saw around town:
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