I had the same issue in the 6th grade class as well. There are 12 students in the class and 3 or 4 of them like to chat constantly. Again, I have student who speaks very little English. Fortunately, in both classes there are students who can translate. However, since the objective is to improve their English skills I won't be able to rely on my student translators.
The schools uses a pretty complex schedule...I don't have the same students at the same time each day. Every day it is a different schedule and I've had to figure out how plan 4 sessions each of science, reading, spelling and grammar throughout the week. Fortunately, the material is pretty easy to teach, although I did have a scary moment today trying to remember the difference between linking verbs and action verbs when the verbs are words such as looked, seemed, sounded, etc.!
Not sure if I've told the story about the school. The official name is The Green House School because it is designed around the gardens, hills, etc. that are part of the property. This is what I see when I look out the windows of my 5th grade classroom...
And from my 6th grade classroom...
So, I've finished my first day and I'm exhausted! I'm heading to bed now!
Your school makes the school I work in here in Arizona look like a high security prison camp!!!
My fiancee, his father is a principal of a school in Cobano...I got to teach an art workshop there once...I know enough spanish to get by...and these kiddos were eager to learn english...somehow it all balances out! Tons of luck to you! Have fun with it!
Peace & Love.
What a beautiful place. Now if they could just do something about the heat and humidity!!
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