Friday, August 8, 2008

Fiesta Fun

In Costa Rica, Mother's Day is August 15. It doesn't change year to's always August 15. Each year, the group of women at water aerobics plan a party to celebrate "El Dia de La Madre." The party was today...all day. Eugenia and I arrived a little after 10 a.m. and returned to the house shortly before 7 p.m. The woman who hosted to party made paella, a Spanish dish with seafood, rice, olives, chicken, vegetables and who knows what else. Throughout the day, we danced, sang karaoke, acted crazy and basically just enjoyed the fellowship and fun. Thank goodness I took salsa lessons a few years ago! And, what do you know...gringa girl can dance! I think I surprised of few of them since I come across as pretty shy - a side effect of not speaking the native language very well. I even taught them the "Electric Slide."

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