Sunday, July 27, 2008

Full Circle

The husband of the family I'm living with works at CIMA, an American owned hospital in Escazu. One night, he and I chatted about my experience working in healthcare and he mentioned it the next day to someone at the hospital. They requested my resume and I now have an interview/meeting with the Public Relations manager on Tuesday morning. Exciting!

It's strange how things come full circle so often. When I started college, my goal was to be fluent in Spanish and use that in my career (hence the degree in foreign languages!). Fourteen years later, I'm finally following through on that. Also, I spent nine years working in hospitals (which I greatly enjoyed) and after 18 months outside of the field, I've come full circle and may be back there. Very interesting how two very different paths may be intersecting soon!

Everyone think good thoughts at 10 a.m. on Tuesday...11 a.m. CDT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with ya, Babe. GOOD LUCK!!!!