Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hot Enough For You?

My aunt wants to know how I’m handling life without air conditioning. Today is probably not the day to ask me because this afternoon, I was very tired of being hot. During the day, if there is a breeze and depending on where in the house I am, it’s okay. At night, I have fans in my bedroom and the windows open. I am very comfortable at night and sometimes am a little chilled. However, I'm frustrated with the taxi cabs. Instead of using the air conditioning in the car, the windows are down. Not a good thing when you're trying to have a good hair day! And, it's still not cool enough in the cars!

Tonight, I went to dinner at a Lebanese restaurant with Julia. It was very interesting. We ordered a variety/sampler dinner for two. Most of it was very good and I enjoyed trying something new. We also ordered a dish that is basically raw meat with some spices. You pour a little bit of olive oil over it and put it on a piece of raw onion and top it with a mixture that resembles pico de gallo in look, but not in taste. That’s it. I tried it and the flavor was ok but I couldn’t get past the thought “I’m eating raw meat.”

1 comment:

Judd said...

I'm proud of you for trying the raw meat dish. Now, I don't have to... :) lol